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Cut costs and modernize - join Tietoevry Tech Services breakfast event

Join us for the Application Services presentation and networking breakfast.

10.10.2024 / Solna, Sweden

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming breakfast seminar, where Tietoevry Tech Services will present our cutting-edge Application Services offering. Discover how we have helped Nordic companies to significantly reduce both capital expenses and operational expenses (CAPEX/OPEX), while driving business transformation and modernization through AI-driven application management services.

During this session, you’ll gain valuable insights into how our solutions streamline IT operations, modernize legacy systems, and optimize costs, all while enhancing digital development and innovation.

Date: October 10, 2024
Time: 08:15 - 10:00
Venue: Tietoevry Office, Solna, 2nd Floor, Conference Room - Friendzone

We look forward to meeting you and discussing how our services can help your business thrive in today’s digital landscape. Join us for the presentation and networking breakfast. Please register via the registration form. 

Contact us

Parag Pandit

Head of Digital Development & DevOps, Tietoevry Tech Services

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