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Maciej Podyma: How delving into your niche interests can make you a specialist

Joanna Stypula / lipca 26, 2024

Maciej Podyma’s career is distinguished by his deep expertise in advanced telecommunications technologies and his versatile skill set. His journey exemplifies a commitment to excellence and innovation.

A long-standing passion for telecom

Maciej’s adventure at Tietoevry began in 2017, although his relationship with telcom technologies spans over 20 years. He was drawn to the company by the its dedication to digital transformation and impactful solutions. The company's culture of continuous learning and sustainability resonated deeply with him. "The prospect of working alongside talented professionals and contributing to projects that have the potential to shape the future was incredibly motivating," he shares.

Starting as a regular system developer, Maciej honed his skills in system architecture, software architecture, and agile methodologies, participating in internal training programs and certifications. As his expertise grew, he took on project lead roles, managing cross-functional teams and ensuring successful project deliveries. Eventually, he found his niche in 5G RAN, diving deep into the future of telecom technologies. This dedication led him to his current role as a telecom system architect.

Among his most fulfilling projects, Maciej highlights leading the development of indoor precise positioning for Private 5G Networks tailored for Industry 4.0. This technology is crucial for applications requiring high accuracy in location tracking, such as smart factories and automated logistics. The complexity and challenges of this project brought immense satisfaction to him and his team.

Principles for a collaborative success

Maciej has significantly contributed to various complex projects, teaming up with field experts. He admires Tietoevry’s culture of collaboration: "Throughout my journey, there have been moments when I genuinely felt that my contributions mattered. Being part of a collaborative effort to drive change is both empowering and fulfilling. Recognizing one’s efforts makes us feel integral. Knowing that my work contributes to our shared goals fuels my motivation, and I strive to remember to pass it forward in my leadership role."

Maciej is a strong believer in fostering innovation, mentorship, and leadership development within his team. His principles include:

  • Recognition and Acknowledgment: Whether it’s a simple shout-out during a team meeting or a formal recognition, it’s a valuable prize for one’s effort.
  • Feedback Loop: Engaging in open discussions, receiving constructive feedback, and iterating on ideas create a dynamic feedback loop, continuously improving communication and cooperation among team members.
  • Celebrating Milestones: Celebrating project milestones together—whether big or small—underscores the collective progress. Each milestone is a testament to their combined dedication.


Beyond Tietoevry

Outside of Tietoevry, Maciej’s life is multifaceted. As the founder and CEO/CTO of Wimax Polska, the first Polish company to launch the mobile version of Wimax technology, providing fixed wireless access (FWA) in rural areas, Maciej honed excellent skills in project and team management, business development, and customer interaction. These skills are invaluable at Tietoevry.

Engaging with cutting-edge technology and problem-solving continues to fuel Maciej's passion for continuous learning. He can talk for hours about blockchain technology in the context of 6G, recognizing its potential to revolutionize the industry.

There’s one more project that engage him recently: parenting! Although he is passionate about his job, maintaining a work-life balance is extremely important to him. "I feel fully supported in this aspect by both Tietoevry’s policies and my colleagues and superiors. The Scandinavian atmosphere stands for balanced harmony in every aspect of one’s life, and it’s one of the things I value dearly," he states.

Joanna Stypula
Senior HR Specialist

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