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TietoEVRY has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘A List’ for tackling climate change.

Rising to the leadership level proves we are implementing current best practices on climate change mitigation. Our high CDP score exceeds IT sector and CDP program averages since 2010. Our CO2 emissions have been reduced every year since 2012.

2050 Consulting

According to Swedish 2050 Consulting’s report on climate reporting, ‘Klimatredovisning bland de stora företagen på Stockholmsbörsen’ (only in Swedish), we received a full score in their Transparency Index. This index includes Large Cap companies on Stockholm’s stock exchange.

The scoring is based on criteria set by 2050 Consulting, including GHG protocol and CDP reporting, among other things. The report was published in October 2016.


According to EcoVadis – operating a collaborative platform providing supplier sustainability ratings for global supply chains – Tieto Corporation (Group) is in the top 2 percent of suppliers assessed in all categories. In the area Environment, we are in the top 1 percent of suppliers assessed in the category ‘Computer programming, consultancy and related activities’. Based on the EcoVadis CSR rating, we have been granted a Gold recognition level.

The EcoVadis CSR Rating Methodology is based on international Sustainable Development standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000), and supervised by a scientific committee of CSR and supply chain experts, to ensure reliable third-party CSR assessment.

OMX GES Sustainability Finland Index

Based on our sustainability performance, TietoEVRY Oyj is included in the OMX GES Sustainability Finland Index.

Swiss EDGE Certified Foundation

We were the first ICT company in the world to receive a gender equality certification from the Swiss EDGE Certified Foundation at the end of 2015 (valid for two years). We have been re-certified in 2017 and 2019 for our efforts in the area. The certification represents the leading global assessment methodology and business certification standard for gender equality. It assesses policies, practices and numbers across five different areas of analysis: equal pay for equivalent work, recruitment and promotion, leadership development training and mentoring, flexible working and company culture.

Disclaimer: The EDGE Asses Certificate was originally issued to Tieto Sweden AB whose data and information were the subject of the EDGE certification audit in relation to the Reference Period, 01 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2018. Any changes in organizational data and information relevant to EDGE certification, including anything affecting certification status, will be the subject of assessment, audit and verification upon expiry of the current certificate on 04 Nov 2021, and recertification.

Equileap's 2019 Global Gender Equality Ranking

Equileap, a non-profit organisation, published its second cross-sector ranking showing how well the world’s top companies, across all sectors and countries, perform on gender equality. The ranking measures how well public companies with a market value of more than USD 2 billion do in offering equal opportunities to both genders. We ranked among the top 25 companies in Equileap's 2019 Global Gender Equality Ranking, which evaluated more than 3 000 companies across 23 countries based on 19 gender equality criteria. 

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