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Tietoevry joined lighthouse project for European cloud infrastructure

Enhancing Europe's digital sovereignty for cloud infrastructure

02 March 2022

Tietoevry has become a member of the Structura-X-project that will enable the necessary scale for collaboration in the cloud, helping to decrease the previous fragmentation of the European cloud market together with 28 other companies to connect European cloud infrastructure to scale Europe's digital sovereignty for data innovation.

European cloud providers have launched an initiative for common infrastructure services that meet Gaia-X requirements. 28 companies and organisations in Europe agreed to make their cloud services Gaia-X compliant. The Lighthouse Structura-X project complements the previous, industry-specific lighthouse initiatives for the automotive sector (Catena X), agriculture (AgriGaia) and finance (EuroDat). Initial certified offerings are expected to be ready by the middle of this year.

“We are witnessing concerning events in Europe. It is the responsibility of the European digital industry to stand-up for a stronger digital sovereignty. Tietoevry is proudly representing the Nordic countries in this unprecedented collaboration under Gaia-X for federated European cloud infrastructure to power data innovation with sovereignty” says Alberto Valero, Head of Technology & Growth, Tietoevry Connect.

About Structura-X

The initiative emerged on the sidelines of the recent Gaia-X Summit in Milan in November. There, then German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier had already called for Gaia-X-compatible infrastructure to be built in Europe alongside industry services. In coordination with the Gaia-X foundation AISBL, seven European providers initially agreed on the common goal: Atos,, DeCix, Deutsche Telekom, Engineering, Noovle and Topix.

In the meantime, additional companies from all over Europe have joined. To date, this adds up to 28 Structura-X members from 10 countries: AssoSoftware, Citynetwork, Cloud&Heat, CS Group, CSI, Ebrc, Elmec, Fabasoft, International Dataspaces, Ionos, KPN, Luxinnovation, Mainstream, Next Layer, Opennebula, OSISM, ThreeFold Tech, Tietoevry, United Group, Vivacom. "We very much welcome the initiative of the infrastructure providers," said Max Ahrens, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaia-X. "The industrial implementation of the Gaia-X standards by cloud and infrastructure providers is an essential building block for functioning data sovereignty in Europe."

Cloud Service Providers are invited to join

Structura-X invites more cloud service providers (CSP) to join. The common goal is to shape their existing infrastructure services into an eco-system for European data sovereignty. An overarching European cloud infrastructure is being created. Users will be able to test and deploy their services and data rooms in a Gaia-X-approved infrastructure.

Structura-X will work closely with Gaia-X AISBL, which among other things defines the technical framework for data sovereignty. At the same time, Structura-X will enable the necessary scale for new cross-sector and cross-country collaboration in the cloud. The previous fragmentation of the European cloud market will thus be overcome.


For more information, please contact

Tietoevry Newsdesk,, tel. +358 40 570 4072

About Gaia-X Association

Gaia-X, established in June 2021, is a digital ecosystem self-regulated by its members. The initiative creates an environment where data can be shared and stored under the control of data owners and users with respected rules that make unprecedented opportunities for innovative, data-driven business models and scalable growth. To learn more, click here.


Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity thrive.

Our 24,000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public-sector customers in more than 90 countries. Tietoevry’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on Oslo Børs.

Would you like to learn more?

Wenche Karlstad

Growth Partner Executive / Lead Digital Sovereignty Initiatives, Tietoevry Tech Services

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