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Olena Kot: A journey of mentorship and personal development

Inspired by her mentor, Olena aims to pay it forward by guiding and supporting the next generation, offering the same invaluable career and personal development insights that shaped her journey.

Olena Kot / August 19, 2024
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What's your background? Tell us about yourself!

I hold a degree in Mathematics and Statistics from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Over the past three years, I've gained extensive experience as a Python developer, working on diverse projects in web development, software engineering, and data science. My career has taken me through the dynamic worlds of fintech, telecommunications, and the automotive industry, providing me with a well-rounded professional background.

Outside of work, I am an avid traveler with a keen interest in discovering new places and cultures. Mountains, in particular, captivate me, and I find great joy in hiking and exploring rugged terrains. My passion for the outdoors and adventure fuels my creativity and problem-solving skills in my professional life.

How has your career within Tietoevry looked like?

I began my career at Tietoevry in 2021 and have been with the company for nearly three years. During my time at Tietoevry, I've had the opportunity to select projects that align with my interests and career goals. This flexibility has supported my professional growth, enabling me to continuously upgrade my skills and gain new expertise in various aspects of Python development.

Tell us about your role as a mentor for students.

When I was a student, I was fortunate to be selected by an IT company for mentorship. My mentor taught me not only valuable technical skills but also essential lessons about work-life balance and personal growth. This experience had a profound impact on me, inspiring me to become a mentor myself. I wanted to give back by providing the same kind of guidance and support that helped shape my career and personal development, assisting students in navigating their paths as I was once helped.

What specific responsibilities did you have in guiding and supporting the students throughout their mentorship program?

The mentorship program I led aimed to create a Minimum Viable Product in web development. My primary responsibility was to guide students without directly writing code for them, encouraging them to learn through debugging their mistakes. We closely simulated a professional working environment using Scrum methodologies, emphasizing that commercial work involves much more than just coding.

I planned our work and outlined what needed to be done and learned to create the project. Students were organized into a team, each taking on different development roles. I helped them identify the necessary technology stack and provided starting points. During calls, I explained the purpose and application of various technologies. I assisted with debugging in critical situations when students couldn't resolve issues independently. Additionally, I found and recommended literature and courses necessary for their learning. Throughout the project development, I conducted code reviews to ensure quality and provide feedback. This approach aimed to provide a comprehensive learning experience, equipping students with both technical skills and an understanding of real-world work processes.


Can you discuss the impact you believe your mentorship had on the students' professional growth and development in the IT field?

Reflecting on their journey from the beginning to the end of the mentorship program, the transformation was remarkable. Initially, many of them were unsure about their specific interests and goals within the IT sphere. By the end, each student had a clear understanding of what they enjoyed and the direction they wanted to pursue in their careers.

Beyond mastering the technical stack and various technologies, the students gained valuable soft skills. They became more confident in presenting their ideas in public and significantly improved their communication abilities. Despite their diverse backgrounds and personalities, they learned how to collaborate effectively as a team, understanding the importance of teamwork in achieving common goals. I am confident that the experiences and knowledge they gained during the mentorship will serve as a strong foundation for their professional paths, leading to successful and fulfilling careers in the IT industry.

How do you continue to maintain or strengthen the relationship with the students after the mentorship program ends?

Our chat remains active, and we stay connected through social networks. At the end of the mentorship program, we discussed each student's goals and outlined the steps they should take next. During the mentorship, their project even won competitions, earning them valuable training opportunities where they continue to learn and grow. They know that I will always be there for them, ready to offer suggestions and help whenever needed.

What is the lesson learned for you after the mentorship program?

Throughout the mentorship program, I learned that teaching can be quite challenging, especially when it involves concepts that seem easy to someone experienced. I often found myself thinking, "This is so easy, why is it hard to understand?" This taught me the importance of empathy and patience. I had to remind myself of what it was like to be in their shoes and strive to explain things in the simplest way possible, calmly and repeatedly if needed, using different approaches to ensure understanding.

Mentoring is very different from working with an experienced team in a commercial setting. It requires a unique set of skills, including the ability to break down complex topics and communicate them effectively to beginners. Despite the challenges, the experience was incredibly rewarding. It was fulfilling to help students and future IT specialists grow, and I gained valuable insights into the art of teaching and mentorship


Olena Kot
Software Developer

Education: Bachelor’s of Mathematics and Statistics
Started at Tietoevry: October 2021
Location: Tietoevry Ukraine (Kyiv - Podil Heritage Centre)
Fun Fact: I had my first publication at an international conference when I was just 15 years old and I've been doing taekwondo for 9 years.


Olena Kot

Software Developer

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