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Managers’ transactions

Transaction notifications to Tietoevry by managers and their closely associated persons

Transaction notifications to Tietoevry by managers and their closely associated persons

Tietoevry managers and their closely associated persons referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014 ”MAR”) are requested to follow the below instructions for notifying transactions.

Transaction notifications shall be made to Tietoevry at the latest within two (2) and to Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) within three (3) business days after the date of the transaction.

Instructions for submitting the transaction notification

The transaction notification shall be made by using the form approved by the FIN-FSA. The form is available on the FIN-FSA's website.

Information requested on the form:

  • Name of the issuer


  • Tietoevry’s LEI code


  • Reference number

Generated automatically (no need to fill in)

  • ISIN code for Tietoevry share


The completed form shall be sent as an attachment to an e-mail to the FIN-FSA and to Tietoevry promptly after the date of the transaction.

Sending the notification to FIN-FSA

Sending the notification to Tietoevry

  • Send the form attached to an e-mail to
  • Please also add your phone number to the e-mail message so that Tietoevry can contact you in case we have any questions about your notification.
  • In case of any problems, please contact

Tietoevry will publish the notification it has received as a stock exchange release promptly after the receipt of the notification.

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