Withholding taxation of dividend payment
Withholding taxation of dividend payment for nominee registered shares
Withholding tax of 35% will, as a starting point, be applied to dividend payments made on nominee registered shares. In certain situations where your custodian is registered with the Finnish Tax Administration, a lower withholding tax rate may be applied.
Any tax withheld in excess can be reclaimed after the year of the dividend payment by submitting a refund application to the Finnish Tax Administration, either on paper (form for corporate entities and for individuals) or electronically
You may also be able to receive a refund already during the year of dividend payment via your registered custodian. Please contact your custodian for further information.
Additional information on withholding tax reclaims can be obtained from the Finnish Tax Administration either:
- by e-mail whtreclaims@vero.fi (for corporations only) or
- via the Tax Administration general telephone and chat helplines (for both individuals and corporations).
Please note that Tietoevry does not process withholding tax reclaims.
Dividends paid to Finnish tax resident holders of nominee registered shares may as of 2020 have been subject to withholding of 50% tax prepayment (ennakonpidätys). Any excess tax prepayment will be credited in the normal tax assessment process where the shareholder reports their dividend income to the Finnish Tax Administration.