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field of solar panels

Distributed Energy Solution

Transform your energy business into a sustainable, consumer-centric energy ecosystem.

Matching generation and consumption

As the world moves towards more renewables and greener energy sources, transform your business offering to earn from distributed energy resources, – whether you're already an energy company or taking the first steps to enter the business.

With DES, you get a holistic, real-time overview of your operations – from utility-level assets to small-scale distributed energy resources – so you can see how to optimize them and generate more efficient revenue streams. Help your end-customers understand and contribute to the future of green energy with services such as smart home applications and intelligent electric vehicle charging.

Jyri Kivinen

Head of Energy & Utilities, Tietoevry Industry

Distribution Energy Solution (DES) for Distribution System Operators

Digital revolution progress with the strive for a CO2 neutral society

DES is a secure automation suite for the management and control of grid-connected devices. A cloud-native automation platform enables users to fulfil regulatory requirements and performs heavy analysis and management, thereby freeing DSOs to focus on things that matter.

Distributed Energy Solution (DES) for Energy Retailers

A new form of energy retail will keep you in business

DES is a cloud-based, modular solution for automated digital management of the whole value chain from energy production to consumption. It is an ideal solution not only for energy companies, but also for building owners, automation or heating system providers, electric vehicle charging providers, teleoperators, and public bodies like city or district administrations.

St1 Lähienergia Oy establishes virtual power plant with Tietoevry solution

By establishing a Virtual Power Plant with Distributed Energy Solution (DES), St1 Lähienergia automates the management of the assets’ capacity aggregation and communications with the Transmission System Operator (TSO) managed FCR-N market. This enables St1 Lähienergia to participate in the reserve market creating new income streams and to take part in supporting sustainable national electricity grid operations.

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Key benefits

Enable the increase of renewable energy in society by introducing flexibility into your resources.

Save the planet

Enable the increase of renewable energy in society by introducing flexibility into your resources.

Turn distributed energy resources into profit by optimizing your energy usage or participating in flexibility markets.

Start earning

Turn distributed energy resources into profit by optimizing your energy usage or participating in flexibility markets.

A virtual overview of the entire value chain from customer information and asset management to control and aggregated measurement reports.

360 overview

A virtual overview of the entire value chain from customer information and asset management to control and aggregated measurement reports.

Key features

Distributed Energy Management

The main tool within DES to manage distributed energy resources, assets, and virtual power plants, monitor and control them in real time and connect to the energy market. DES makes the best use of Artificial Intelligence for evaluating resource behaviour and capabilities for flexibility.


DES is a modular integration platform able to connect to any type of existing system including physical assets, IoT systems, automation systems and cloud services. DES is technology-agnostic and uses IoT connectivity for holistic management of the hardware layer.

Asset and Data Management

Manage both customer information and your assets and asset relationships to owners, locations, and other assets. Manage measurement data with real-time reporting. DES enables the integration of different assets from multiple base systems to one management system. DES has all the capabilities needed to store, use, analyse and visualize huge amounts of data coming in from various sources.

Cloud solution

DES is delivered as a SaaS solution from Microsoft Azure cloud. The approach allows starting with basic functionality and scaling up when it is desirable to expand the use of the system. Easy scalability allows the system to fit a large variety of use cases.

Flexibility market participation

DES enables the aggregation of distributed resources to meet market requirements and participate in flexibility markets, for example reserve markets organized by transmission system operators. The most easily monetizable value comes from optimized energy trading and ancillary markets.

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