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We’re going to AI & Big Data Expo!

Let’s meet at Europe’s biggest AI event! Hear our “No-nonsense AI” speech and come by the Tietoevry booth to revamp your AI strategy

1 - 2.10.2024 / Amsterdam
Sign up for our speech!

Are you ready to cut the gimmicks OUT of your AI strategy and let the value IN? Our team is bringing the “No-nonsense AI” to AI & Big Data Expo to help you do just that!

Come by the Tietoevry booth, just next to the two AI stages, to talk on your AI journey and take part in the “Beat AI” contest – to see if you can tell what’s AI and what’s not!

On the first day of the Expo, October 1st, 4:25 PM, at the “Unleashing the Power of Data for All” stream, don’t miss the premier of our speech. Fill in the form below and click "Sign up" to save the date to your calendar!

No-nonsense AI: Gimmicks OUT, Value IN

We present the Tietoevry vision of AI – AI that is scalable, delivers only what your business needs, and is gimmick-free.

Presented by:

Lukas Keller, Head of Business Development
Maryna Tirshu, Head of Western Europe Market
Michael Kommenda, Senior AI Expert

Prepare for an end-to-end AI journey tailored for companies at different stages of AI maturity:

  • Tools to prepare a business for AI
  • Mindful AI Framework – a framework to verify the readiness of your business processes to be AI’d and to estimate the value of doing AI at all
  • Design Thinking Workshop – how to design the processes and streamline your company’s AI journey
  • AI journey: from vision to reality – steps to begin and bring your AI dream to life
  • AI implementation: tools, frameworks, processes, and hands-on advice for mature AI solutions

Contact us

Wouter Wytenburg

Managing Director in the Netherlands

Our team at AI & Big Data Expo

Lukas Keller

Head of Business Development in Western Europe

Maryna Tirshu

Head of Western Europe Market

Michael Kommenda

Senior AI Expert

Wouter Wytenburg

Managing Director in the Netherlands

Viktor Galenko

Engagement Manager

Date and place

1 - 2.10.2024
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