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DevOps and agile services

Experience DevOps with the speed of change, predictable, secure and high-quality at scale. We help you ignite your business’ application economy with our DevOps-enabled deliveries and agile services.

DevOps: people, processes & technologies

Our DevOps approach is all about realizing the business value of new features faster, by enabling automated builds, testing and deployments, as well as enabling innovation across your applications. Get the best insights, coaching and skilled colleagues you need to achieve predictable outcomes and the best efficiencies for your business.

While agile mostly focuses on design and development, DevOps encompasses the whole life-cycle of the application - from idea to production and continued development. We integrate Development and Operations (DevOps) and agile to ensure that you can be productive, collaborative and avoid disruptions to your business.

Our accelerators:
• Skilled DevOps teams & colleagues
• Integrated DevOps platforms aligned to your business and IT strategy
• Industry-standard practices and processes to enable automation and compliance

Per Engman

Lead Product Manager

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