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Digital commerce

Robust, agile and scalable solutions for global digital commerce.

Your partner in ambitious digital commerce initiatives and implementations.

Over the past 20 years, our professionals have provided digital commerce solutions for numerous well-known businesses in a variety of industries throughout the Nordics.

We have a proven track record of successfully running and managing complex eCommerce projects and programs – our agile teams have become trusted allies for many of our customers with their exemplary performance and engagement to optimize the customer’s business.

We are highly experienced with projects in complex architectural environments, with sturdy background solutions and integrations, on-prem or in cloud. On the front-end side we focus on creating seamless and personalized customer experiences to ensure your clients get the best possible service online, whether your industry lies in manufacturing, forest, telecom, retail, financial or health care. In addition, we have strong capabilities in agile coaching and DevOps.

Together, we can transform your business vision into seamless online services

Annika Törmänen

Head of Commerce

Key benefits

Our core competence is in supporting major Nordic companies and public organizations in their quest for building meaningful commerce related digital experiences for their customers.

Proven commerce experience

Our core competence is in supporting major Nordic companies and public organizations in their quest for building meaningful commerce related digital experiences for their customers.

Our deliveries are built on multi-location, cross-functional design and implementation teams, and our methods optimized for business innovation, agility and cost-effective development and maintenance.

Faster time-to-value

Our deliveries are built on multi-location, cross-functional design and implementation teams, and our methods optimized for business innovation, agility and cost-effective development and maintenance.

From wide commerce capabilities to advanced personalization and beyond, we are here to guide you with the optimization of each step. Customer satisfaction is the number one driver for increased sales.

Tangible business outcomes

From wide commerce capabilities to advanced personalization and beyond, we are here to guide you with the optimization of each step. Customer satisfaction is the number one driver for increased sales.

Key capabilities

High-performance Digital commerce systems

We design, build, maintain and optimize end-to-end business-critical digital commerce systems that enhance your competitiveness and increase efficiency. We build on leading cloud-based digital commerce platforms and integrate them with core business applications, other relevant CX systems and partner ecosystems.

Agile design and development

We are the ambassadors of modern agile development methods and ways of working, DevOps, automated deployment pipelines and test automation. Our design thinking-led approach revolves around our keen interest in understanding the people for whom we are designing and building the perfect commerce solution - one iteration at a time, adjusting and optimizing as we go.

Revenue growth through optimization

Our insights and best practices ensure that all key value elements of your Digital commerce, such as campaigns and promotions, customer service, product information, inspiring content, availability information, logistics processes, payment options and overall user experience, are optimized in the best possible way.

Advisory business consulting

With profound knowledge and experience on complex business scenarios and the real-life digital implementations behind, our Digital commerce consultants are here to help you with any issues you might encounter during your digital journey. From ambitious long-term visions and roadmaps to optimizing existing services, building future capabilities now is the best way to ensure a constant flow of added value.

Sustainable life-cycle management

Add value to your business and secure seamless customer experience with our DevOps-related continuous development and maintenance services. Our Digital Operation experts are using proactive measures through fit-for-purpose technologies, tools and methods to ensure fast response times and optimum service levels for your Digital commerce solutions.

Success stories

DNA focuses on digitalisation and increases sales

DNA launched its digital business transformation journey in 2014. We have helped them to develop customer-friendly digital services.

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Metso: Enhancing the digital customer experience for the aggregates industry

We helped Metso solve real-world customer problems and enhance digital customer experience with

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Proven SAP C/4HANA Customer Experience deliveries

We help to build more profitable relationships with your customers.

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