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How to learn AI in a quick, easy and fun way?

Tietoevry Care professionals wanted to increase AI competence within the consulting teams. What could be a better way to learn from your colleagues than to introduce a competition?

Hans Jacob Moe / January 16, 2024

Ten teams from two different locations competed in the internal AI hackathon. The aim was to utilize team members’ skills in the learning process and to work in teams to build team spirit.

People have asked for more activities under the umbrella of “keep learning” and “we work together”. In secret three team members from Tietoevry Care prepared the challenge to be solved. None of the teams knew what the challenge would be before the actual hackathon.


This created a level playing field with the same starting point and the same tools at hand. The “approved” tools were ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot. Our goal was to open the door to AI and start to form an idea of how it can be useful to us as developers.

The challenge was announced at 3 pm and the teams were asked to create a game that included health-related dimensions. Until 9 pm the teams developed and presented their game. The projects were then judged, and the winner was announced in the all-hands call next week.

The AI Hackathon was success

I am impressed that so many people spent an afternoon learning about AI. It shows commitment and willingness to keep learning. We will have more hackathons to build a stronger team spirit and increase our knowledge, says Ola Noreklint, Head of Health & Care Consulting Sweden

There were many good games built and it was a very even competition, but in the end, there were two competitors that stood out. The entries were a classic pong game as well as a memory game, and both teams managed to produce well-functioning games in a short period of time, with a bit of a health twist. Getting a basis for a new application was exactly what we saw as the great benefit of AI during the evening's exercise.


Positive results of internal AI hackathon

  • Programming competition using chatGPT and GitHub Copilot.
  • Good examples of Keep Learning for learning and development.
  • A social event across team and location boundaries
  • We did it together!

We also have the opportunity to bring in consultants who were involved in both organizing and competing to share their experience and commitment. We have received very positive feedback from participants, and it has sparked a lot of discussions and inspiration. "One of the most enjoyable social events we've ever done!"  That's why we have plans in place for the next event already.

Hans Jacob Moe
Business Developer, Tietoevry Care

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